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Welcome to the Anorak Attic

We'll be honest. We're not entirely sure at this point quite what we're going to do with the website.

But, we bought the domain name and it seemed a waste of a good £6.99 not to put something on it. So, for now at least, here's a snapshot of some featured designs from our RedBubble Shop. We'd REALLY appreciate your support if you would take 5 minutes to have a look in our full shop. It's full of niche and geeky retro designs which we hope raise a smile!

We've also got the latest posts from our Twitter feed - but you probably came from there in the first place, right? If not, give us a Follow and find out what you're missing (spoiler: not huge amounts!).

Longer term, we aim to load the site up with loads of retro radio & TV memories, photos, merchandise and audio too. So maybe stick us in your bookmarks or mental memory and check back from time to time to see what we're up to.

Thanks for stopping by!